Thursday, June 04, 2009

Today is our 4th Anniversary........

Our wedding was FOUR years ago....

The celebration continues to this day......
"An anniversary is the time to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of yesterday and the hopes of tomorrow"


Filla said...


happy2gether said...

Happy 4th Wed Anniversary...aku pon baru jek pas ulangtahun, x sangka kan dah 4thn dah dan dah ada 2 anak...byk persamaan kita...i lap u Mimi...take care! hugs for Zahraa & Ghazi..

mummy aryan syamil said...

epi anniversary kak mimi & hubby...
taun yg same ngn kite r:)

Shadani said...

Happy 4th anniversary Mimie.. Semoga berkekalan ke akhir hayat... aku happy tgk org lain happy.. hehe..

mummy_ayu said...

selamat ulantahun perkahwinan! salam kenal...jom tuka link...

A m m i said...

hepi eniveseri...

may lots of happiness will come to you & yr family after this..

izzah said...

wui 4 thn dah
congratulations yek kat korang

Miss Moon said...

happy 4th anniversary ya mimie......

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